Leah Day is an award winning quiltmaker, online teacher, and author. She is the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project (FreeMotionProject.com), a blog where she has shared new quilting tutorials every week since 2009. Her helpful quilting videos and classes have been viewed over twelve million times by quilters from around the world. In 2015 she won MQX Teacher of the Year, which was surprising as Leah rarely travels to teach. Leah is the author of How to Piece Perfect Quilts, a beginner machine piecing guide and 365 Free Motion Quiliting Designs, the largest collection of machine quilting designs ever published. Leah's primary craft is quilting, but she also enjoys knitting, crochet, weaving, and wood turning. She lives in North Carolina with her family, a flock of chickens, two crazy cats, and one lazy dog. You can learn more about Leah and find all of her video tutorials at LeahDay.com