I have written well over 200 short stories and novellas and in 2009 published my first full-length spanking novel, the Russell Corner. My main focus is on implicit and explicit consensual M/F and F/F spanking fiction. Corner time, the ultimate consensual bondage, also features heavily in my stories.
The themes explored range from good old fashioned tales of the spanked adult daughter yet to fly the nest, to space cadets, elves, witches, marital spankers, cowboys, and college sorority girls.
You won't find crude whack-whack-whack descriptions in the prose, but some of the punishments described are rather harsh as only fiction can be. Also you will occasionally find sexual content and a moderate exploration of many things anal. I hope both are handled with good taste. I should also say that even without a sexual dimension, sometimes the F-word and its fellows crop up. I never use such language gratuitously, but sometimes the characters do.