Lux Occulta: The Theology & Ritual of a Spiritist Chapter of Martinism & Martinèsism
PALAMAS (1973-present) is the author of SYZYZGY: Reflections on the Monastery of the Seven Rays, SPIRIT BUILDERS: A Free Illuminist Approach to the Antient & Primitive Rites of Memphis+Misraïm, COALESCENCE: Esoteric and Philosophical Musings of a Gyrovague, ENKRATEIA: The Essence of Spirit Building, LUX OCCULTA: The Theology and Ritual of a Spiritist Chapter of Martinism & Martinèsism, SYMPATHEIA: A Liturgical Guide to Esoteric Stoicism, and The HOMEROMANTEION: A Literary & Philosophical Oracle for Stoics. An Art Teacher by vocation with a Masters in English & Creative Non-Fiction, PALAMAS lives a quiet, philosophical life with his family in the mountains of Northwest Georgia.