Timothy P. O'Malley, Ph.D. is academic director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy in the Institute for Church Life and teaches in the Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame. His research interests include liturgical-sacramental theology, aesthetics, and catechesis. A southern Catholic from Maryville, TN, he did his BA (Theology and Philosophy) and MTS (Liturgical Studies) at the University of Notre Dame and his doctorate at Boston College (Theology and Education). He is currently working on a number of projects including a book on The Liturgy of the Hours and the New Evangelization; a book on the Eucharistic vocation of the Catholic school; a book for parents on the sacrament of Baptism; and a book on Saint Augustine's approach to liturgical formation entitled, On Praise: Christian Formation as Doxology. He is married to Kara and has two young children.