Dr. Gerry Marrs is a research analyst who specializes in finding human manpower solutions for various Department of Defense agencies. He was born and raised in Staten Island, NY before joining the U.S. Air Force, where he completed a 21 year active-duty career in the Manpower and Personnel career field. He has a Ph.D. in Business Administration and Organizational Development.
He enjoys writing in his spare time on a variety of self-help topics and hopes to build a successful portfolio of "how to" products designed to assist people struggling with a variety of difficult issues. He also helps new and aspiring authors with navigating the complexities of independent publishing.
He currently lives on Florida's Gulf Coast with his two children. His current portfolio includes a series of self-help topics written with YOU, the reader, in mind to help you get out of debt faster, write better, breathe easier, and live longer.
You can find him at: www.facebook.com/GerryMarrs
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GerryMarrs
E-mail: gerry.marrs@gmail.com