Dan Thorpe


Dan Thorpe is an RGT registered tutor and owner of the popular tuition blog, Guitar Domination in which he specialises in teaching guitarists who are.... ....learning later on in life how to play their favourite fingerpicking and strumming songs with more joy and less frustration. Dan has taught a huge variety of students ranging in skill from absolute beginners who have never played the guitar before, all the way to seasoned pros with 40 years of playing experience. If you are over 40 and love fingerstyle, rock and folk, you`ll love it here. (Even if you are under 40 but prefer classic songs you`ll love it here too). I really love to teach guitar and have learnt soo many tips, tricks and techniques over the years that can and will shave years off your guitar playing….The same techniques that have worked for many of my personal students. I want to share with you all those golden nuggets of information, the easy wins and the proper technique that will set you up for the long term. Come and join me over at www.guitardomination.net/free-stuff and get two highly-rated eBooks completely free and my very best tips sent to your inbox.


