Alberto Meneses (1969) is an author of crime thrillers, with more than 20 novels published. After starting his career in 2012 in science fiction, in 2018 he decided to move into the crime genre. ‘Los muertos no se ahogan’ is the first novel in the Roberto Fuentes series, starring a UCO agent whose gift will lead him to investigate the most terrible crimes and bring justice to the victims. Then came the Inspector Fran Merino series, a policeman who has been taken out of the service and is convinced that revenge is the only way to heal his wounds. His latest and most successful series stars Inspector Verónica Cuevas, marked by a past that pushes her to leave no crime unsolved, facing any obstacle in her path. Alberto Meneses is one of the most widely read authors on Amazon Spain, with more than 100,000 readers. In his novels you will find suspense, intrigue, action, crime and, above all, a lot of entertainment. He currently lives in León and devotes himself to writing full time.