Mike Davenport


Who is this Mike Davenport guy, anyway? Mike’s rowing equipment experience began when he was a college freshman and tripped over an oar. That’s the moment when he realized that rowing equipment was special, deserving of respect. Mike went on to become a collegiate coach for 35 years, receiving numerous awards, and was part of the U.S. National Rowing Team for years, as assistant coach and team boatman. He spent the summer of 1991 in Cuba as a team leader for the US Pan American rowing team, and then moved on to be boatman for the 1992-1995 U.S. World Championship teams as well as for the 1996 Olympic Team, who competed in Atlanta, GA. Mike has authored numerous books on rowing and coaching and is a regular speaker at coaching conferences, workshops, and conventions. He was also an educational consultant for USRowing for a number of years. Today Mike enjoys teaching busy rowers, distracted coaches, and hassled coxswains about rowing and rigging so they can get the most out of their rowing equipment – and spend more time enjoying themselves on the water. He currently works for Amazon in a variety of roles. As an expert consultant, author, and professional speaker, Mike spreads the word about simple and creative ways people can use physical and mental tools or resources to maximize their performance, be faster on the water, save more money, and reduce the stress and strain of dealing with rowing equipment. In what some call the most equipment-intensive sport there is today, Mike shows rowing athletes and coaches of all levels, from beginner to expert, how to thrive – and he thrives on every moment they say, “Thank you. That helped.”



