Sarah Gristwood

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Sarah Gristwood's new anthology Secret Voices: A Year of Women's Diaries, looks back over four centuries , and draws on more than a hundred female diarists. She has written a number of books on fifteenth and sixteenth-century history, including The Tudors in Love: Passion and Politics in the Age of England's Most Famous Dynasty,  Game of Queens, and Blood Sisters. Sarah Gristwood's Arbella: England’s Lost Queen and Elizabeth and Leicester both featured on the bestseller lists, and she has also written a number of books on twentieth-century figures from Winston Churchill to Elizabeth II.

A former film journalist Sarah broadcasts regularly for Sky News, CNN and the BBC on royal and historical affairs, besides contributing to many documentary series. A graduate of Oxford University, she is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and of the RSA, who has been shortlisted for both the Marsh Biography Award and the Ben Pimlott Prize for Political Writing.
