Diego Moldes

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Diego Moldes (Pontevedra, 1977) is a Spanish writer (www.diegomoldes.com), author of 13 books and co-author of 41 collective books. Essayist, poet, editor, publisher, professor, cultural critic and film historian. He is the author of several books of fiction and essays (mostly film): the novel "Ensoñación" [Daydreaming, 2012] or books on film as "La huella de Vértigo" [The Vertigo Trace, 2004], trial on the influence of Alfred Hitchcock film; "Roman Polanski: la fantasia del atormentado" [Roman Polanski: Tormented Fantasy, 2005] first book on the filmmaker Roman Polanski written in Spanish; or "El cine europeo. Las grandes películas" [European Cinema: The Great Movies, 2008], among others. He is also coauthor of over more than a 40 anthologies. In 2009 he wrote two basketball books for Real Madrid.

In July 2018 he published his tenth book and first book of poems, "Ni un día sin poesía" (Not One Day Without Poetry), with a prologue by A. Jodorowsky and illustrations by Nika Martínez, with poems that" in the words of the author, " they participate in symbolism and mythology, and look for a formal tension between the agnostic intellectual that I am and the oriental spirituality - rooted in Hinduism and Zen Buddhism - that my-other-me-poet would want to be ».

In November 2019 he published "Cuando Einstein encontró a Kafka. Contribuciones de los judíos al mundo moderno" (Galaxia Gutenberg, Barcelona), translated into English by the American Steven Capsuto: a long essay on the contributions of Jews to the modern world, from 20 years of research.

In June 2022 he published a cultural essay with great impact in Spain: "En el vientre de la ballena. Ensayo sobre la cultura" (In the Belly of the Whale. Essay on culture). In January 2023 he published his 13th book "Antonio de Nebrija y su origen judeoconverso (about the Jewish and convert origins of the father of Spanish linguistics).

Between 2004 and 2023 eleven of his books have appeared more than 500 times in the media.

He holds a PhD in Information Sciences (Communication Studies-Theory and Aesthetics of Film image) from the Complutense University, BA in Advertising and Public Relations (University of Vigo) and Master in Publishing by Oxford Brookes University. In 2010, he completed a PhD in History of Cinema: "The symbolic imagination in the film work of Alejandro Jodorowsky", outstanding doctoral thesis cum laude, conducted under the direction of Dr. José Luis Sánchez Noriega and defended before a tribunal chaired by Dario Villanueva, director of the Royal Spanish Academy of Language (RAE).

As film critic emphasizes his involvement with numerous articles in the yearbook "Todos los estrenos" (All releases, between 2003 and 2008), and their participation in the collective books "The universe of Woody Allen", "The universe of Billy Wilder", "The universe of Orson Welles", "The universe of Clint Eastwood" and "The universe of Alfred Hitchcock", and many more, and writing more than twenty scripts for DVD or Blu-ray, among others, "Hell's Angels" and "The Killers" to Suevia Films, "North by Northwest" to the Spanish newspaper ABC, or the film "Oliver!" for the special edition DVD of the musical of Carol Reed, for Sony Pictures. In 2008 he wrote the texts for DVD special editions of Universal Pictures for movies "Psycho", "Casino", "Schindler's List", "The Deer Hunter", "Touch of Evil" and "Fahrenheit 451", and of "The Tenant", for Paramount Pictures Spain. In this area Moldes has also wrote scripts on other important works in black and white as "La dolce vita" or special remastered editions of Ingmar Bergman films on Blu-ray Disc and DVD: "Summer with Monika", "The Seventh Seal", "Wild Strawberries", "The Virgin Spring", "Persona" and "Autumn Sonata".

His books published in 2012 are the novel "Ensoñación" (Dayreaming) and a monographic essay on Jodorowsky's films. In November 2014 published "Venuspasión" (Venus-passion), foreword by Luis Alberto de Cuenca, "new and highly original" book with "excellent prose essays, narrative and poetry".

Hi is editor and author of introduction, notes, appendix and further Reading of the Spanish edition (2015) of "An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood", by Neal Gabler.

He was writer, editor and presenter of Galicia Television (TVG). He has been a partner of Pantalla Panorámica [Widescreen] program of Radio Circle Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid (2004-2005) of the television program Tiempo de Tertulia, several publications in traditional media (Read Magazine, Magazine Turia, Raíces: Revista Judía de Cultura [Roots: Jewish Culture Magazine] and digital (www.miradas.net) and other cultural institutions such as Spanish Cinemateque, and Centro Sefarad-Israel. He also collaborated with ABC & Ámbito cultural Award.

After living in Santiago de Compostela and Lisbon, since 2004 living in Madrid, where he works as a marketing executive in areas of culture and leisure (books, movies, music, comics ...), foundation director (Hispanic Jewish Foundation) and as professor at Antonio de Nebrija University. He currently works at the Nebrija Foundation.
