Adam Taggart


Adam is the President and Co-Founder of Peak Prosperity, a company he created with Chris Martenson. He wears many hats, but his basic job is to handle the business side of things. Adam is an experienced Silicon Valley internet executive and Stanford MBA. Prior to partnering with Chris, he was a Vice President at Yahoo!, a company he served for nine years. Before that, he did the 'startup thing' (, sold to CNET in 2001). As a fresh-faced graduate from Brown University in the early 1990s, Adam got a first-hand look at all that was broken with Wall Street as an investment banking analyst for Merrill Lynch. Adam's passion is to help people develop an awareness of the trends most likely to shape our future and enable them to take informed, prudent action in advance -- in order to protect the people they care about, and to position themselves to prosper. Most importantly, he's a devoted husband and dad.


