Linda is endlessly curious, and her children's books encourage children to be curious too! What are the ingredients of a shadow? Of Love? What happens when the wind blows? Her books encourage children to imagine, to pay attention to how they uniquely see the world, and to keep wonder close in their everyday lives.
Her next children's book, Apart Together (illustrated by Ariel Rutland) is a child’s first book of system thinking and will be published by Balzer & Bray in September 2023.
Linda is also a learning expert who specializes in complex systems. In her Systems Leadership Labs, Linda works to give leaders space to think differently, and to experiment with language, visuals, tools, and knowledge architecture that better mirrors the complexity they are navigating. Linda co-founded Toggle Labs, a metaverse education studio, in 2018 to offer people of all ages immersive, learn/do opportunities to work with complex systems and co-create healthier futures. She is co-author of The Systems Thinking Playbook, The Climate Change Playbook, When a Butterfly Sneezes, and numerous other books and journal articles. For more on Linda’s work, see (systems), (children’s), (metaverse).