Ken Gullette


Ken Gullette is a martial artist with more than 50 years of experience, focused since 1987 on the internal arts, notably Chen Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang and Qigong. A tournament champion and instructor, Ken has learned from masters such as Chen Xiaowang, Chen Xiaoxing, and their students and disciples. Ken has a plain language, straight-forward approach to the internal arts. He is not a believer in the "mystical mumbo-jumbo" that gives Tai Chi a less-than-serious image. Ken focuses on the internal body mechanics and self-defense applications that make the internal arts powerful. These body mechanics and principles allow students to use relaxed power, maintaining their mental and physical balance while delivering great force over short distances. Ken's DVDs and ebooks have sold worldwide and are highly acclaimed. He also has an online internal arts school that provides more than 1,000 video lessons in Chen Taiji, Xingyi, Bagua and Qigong that members worldwide can stream 24/7 for a small monthly fee. Check it out and try two weeks free with no contracts.



