R. Scott Lemriel (www.paralleltime.com) is known worldwide as the direct experiential-based hidden truth revealing researcher and author. He is genuinely passionate about revealing to others, only for their uplifting benefit, what he has discovered and is continuing to discover regarding deliberately hidden or subconsciously suppressed truth. Further revealed is our true nature as beings, and our long-forgotten or subconsciously suppressed involvement in a far more ancient Earth and on a grand Galactic multidimensional scale than is know today. He was originally inspired to write The Seres Agenda book for the experiential benefit of worldwide fellow human beings who don't remember any of this. His many journeys into awakening deliberately hidden truth are entirely and 'ONLY' based on the many awareness-expanding events that occurred throughout this lifetime, and which continue to this day. These numerous eye-opening journeys assisted Scott to confirm the depth of deliberately hidden truth he was uncovering through direct experience – in contrast to relying upon misdirecting belief and theory. Over four decades, he has written numerous screenplays and related books, two of which are now published worldwide through his company, Total Spectrum Publishing. He recently wrote, directed, and co-produced several documentary promotional videos for The Seres Agenda book and The Emerald Doorway (book one of The Parallel Time Trilogy). They are also entirely based on his lifetime of direct experiences exploring the depth of deliberately hidden truth that was revealed during his many contacts with highly evolved kind beings from far beyond our planet. In addition, The Parallel Time Trilogy, previously written feature film screenplays and later books based on them, expanded into the epic adventure books and screenplays titled THE EMERALD DOORWAY (Three Mystic Crystals), GUARDIANS OF THE ANCIENT ONE, and JOURNEY TO The CENTER Of The UNIVERSE. The vast number of doorway opening journeys Scott has experienced do, in fact, disclose very significant aspects of our hidden involvement in the long-forgotten most ancient Earth and solar system history, and with the nature of benevolent and malevolent extraterrestrials. The most advanced kind beings from beyond Earth stealthily operated behind the scenes in the more distant unknown history of Earth, just as they are doing behind the scenes today. We are not alone as human beings on Earth or in the universe. Scott reveals that no human being ever originally evolved on this planet, and that what is being done off-world for the first time is beginning to occur in far more significant beneficial new ways than ever existed in the entire history of the grand multidimensional creation. Upcoming book publishing, short and full-length feature film developments, uniquely uplifting originally composed and performed music CD albums (one is published now), and other uplifting beneficial projects will be available to the worldwide public in the near future.