Fred Travis


I was born in upstate New York and went to college at Cornell University in Ithaca New York. I received my Masters and PhD in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management in 1988. I had a valuable post-doctoral position investigating sleep with Irwin Feinberg at the VA in Martinez. After exploring brain changes during sleep, I returned to Maharishi University of Management as director of the Brain, Consciousness and Cognition Center in 1990. I teach undergraduate and graduate courses on brain and consciousness. I have authored 72 papers and book chapters that investigated effects of Transcendental Meditation practice on: (1) normal child development, (2) ADHD in children, (3) posttraumatic stress in veterans and refugees, (4) brain patterns of higher states of consciousness, and (5) brain patterns of world class performers. When not in the Brain Center, I play tennis with my daughters, camp with my family, work in the garden, and remodel my home.


