Abu Sukhailah Khalil Ibn-Abelahyi al-Amreekee

Abu Sukhailah Khalil Ibn-Abelahyi al-Amreekee profile image


The compiler states in the introduction to one of his published course books,

"Despite my shortcomings, after many years of struggling to get to Yemen, Allaah blessed me to take the members of my household to benefit from the different beneficial teachers from among the people of the Sunnah in that land, and we strove our best to benefit from them to the utmost degree possible. While in Yemen, mainly in the cities of Sana’a, Ma’bar, Dammaj, and Shihr, we took knowledge from the various general resident scholars from among the students of Sheikh Muqbil, may Allaah have abundant Mercy upon him, who were found in charge of the regular teaching at these different centers of knowledge or masjids of the Salafees.

Over a nine year period, we were blessed to take some knowledge from these different scholars, who had taken knowledge from Sheikh Muqbil and others directly, depending on where we lived at the time. Alhamdulillah, we were also able to gain knowledge in other ways. There were several students of knowledge at these various centers and masjids, with whom we studied regularly for specific subjects of study, over that same period of time. These were students of knowledge who the people of knowledge there approved of their teaching others in areas of Sharee’ah knowledge they had gained.

We also benefited from those many scholars and higher students of knowledge who traveled and temporarily came and gathered at the various centers and masjids to give reminders or lectures to the Muslims generally, either occasionally, or in the case of Sana’a, every week. There was tremendous good in this, by Allaah’s Mercy. On a few occasions I was blessed to travel to centers of Salafeeyah, such as in Hudaydah or Ibb to visit individual scholars living in those places, for short trips seeking knowledge.

Lastly, although much rarer, we benefited from lectures with scholars from outside of Yemen. Alhamdulillah we were blessed to directly benefit from the lectures of Sheikh Ubayd al-Jaabiree, may Allaah preserve him, that were held in Sana’a and also took part in the program of knowledge held with him in Shihr during his trip to Yemen. So we must each strive, work, and struggle, by every acceptable means, to gain distinguishing beneficial knowledge from the people of the Sunnah about this clear path of the Salaf, and whatever and whoever opposes it. We ask Allaah to reward those who we benefited from, and increase us in closeness to the people of knowledge from among the scholars of Salafeeyah, wherever they may be in the world through all the ways mentioned by Sheikh Ubayd, and make them “our scholars.”
