Darren Canning is a world renowned minister, author, artist, broadcaster and world traveler. His books were written from the heart of experiencing God as he traveled the world and the nations. You will be encouraged and uplifted in your faith.
Darren writes to encourage people that they can have a good life in Jesus Christ. He believes in the power of prophecy to change people’s destiny. Although you were born in the darkness you will not redeem in darkness if you turn to the light of Christ. The Bible says that God knows the plans that he has for us to prosperous, to give us a hold and a future [Jeremiah 2911]. It is from this heard that Darren shares from his many books. Your beginning doesn’t equal your end. You will climb higher.
You may have seen him on the Elijah list or on ISN Network with the end it’s supernatural Netwerk [IS and] Sid Roth. You can check out his website at www.darrencanning.tv.
And if you’re interested in his art check out his art page at ArtbyDarrenCanning on Instagram.