A former intelligence soldier and police officer turned teacher, Dennis Nappi II holds a Master's Degree in Education with over a decade of experience teaching special education in high-needs schools. Today, Dennis turns his experience and focus towards helping others on their own spiritual journeys through his books, podcast, and Reiki. His long-standing show, The Seiker Podcast, explores human consciousness, remote viewing & psychic abilities, the ET/UAP Disclosure efforts, the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Human Consciousness and the nature of reality. Dennis is also a member of The Future Forecasting Group and the host of The Future Forecast Podcast. The FFG is d riven by the data collected by world-class remote viewers who set their intuitive sights on the impact of cryptocurrency on society. In addition, they explore mystery targets and gaze into the future every month to bring the news before it happens. Dennis is a Reiki teacher and currently building a variety of Reiki training courses, conducting virtual and in-person Reiki sessions, and providing spiritual consulting services to his clients. In his I Am Human series, Dennis delves into his own paranormal and psychic experiences coupled with supporting research to present readers with a broader understanding of our own psychic abilities and the influence of external forces on humanity. In his fictional series, The Hive, he shares the journey of a man fighting for a woman he loves in a world overtaken by a virally implanted hive mind that affected the entire planet.