John M. White


John M. White, is a recognized expert in security management, and he has over 38 years of experience including military, law enforcement, corporate security administration, and professional security consultation. Mr. White is Board Certified in Security Management as a Certified Protection Professional (CPP), and he is a Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator (CHPA), the two highest certifications in the security profession. He is also a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Association of Chiefs of Police, the International Association for Professional Security Consultants, ASIS International, International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety, International Police Association and the International Association for Retired Law Enforcement Officers. John has been a guest speaker on security topics at an international security conference, numerous professional civic and social organizations and business associations, and he has numerous articles published in trade journals as well as being quoted in numerous news stories. Some of the articles that John has had published include several in the Journal of Healthcare Protection Management - International Association for Healthcare Safety & Security on numerous occasions, and in the association’s Directions magazine. He has also been published in the ASIS International’s "Security Management" magazine as well as a contributing author for the International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety’s Basic Certification Manuals (Both United States and Canadian Versions). John also serves on the ASIS International Healthcare Security Council, and with that same council he serves as the chairperson of the Publication/Articles committee and the Healthcare Security Best Practice committee. He also serves on the Commission for Certification for the International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety (IAHSS).


