Even though Long Island, New York was Jemil Metti's birthplace, his childhood and adolescent destiny took him to a plot of civilization called Iraq, which was ancient in its origin, yet always craved to be placed among the civilizations of the present. A short professional radio news broadcasting stint, and a decade-long, Detroit-area ethnic TV anchoring spurned Metti into freelance writing for weekly local Michigan newspapers following his International Relations studies at Norther Illinois University (1973-1975) and S.U.N.Y -Binghamton (1975-1977). The fear of the unknown from living in a dictatorial nation prompted Metti to self-publish his biography, "Perception Wars: Iraq From the Outside In." His disdain for legal systems, where due process was legally bankrupt, while innocent prisoners were systematically tortured influenced Metti to write his first, self-published novel, "The Pahlavi Sword." Metti just completed his second novel "Operation Olive Tree" where the setting takes root in the Holy Land. Please visit www.jemilmetti.com for more information.