In the simplest terms, I’m a fan of all things Disney. I am a University of Pennsylvania alumnus, from which I graduated with a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in anthropology. Looking back on my trajectory, perhaps on a subconscious level I wanted to finally make use of my degrees post-college, so I began to research Walt Disney and his creations.
This led me to write and publish several books about Walt, his theme parks, and his creations, both on the small and big screen. I’m proud to say some of my books have won multiple awards, hit bestseller status, and are carried in-store by major booksellers across the country—pretty remarkable feats for a small publisher like myself.
Over the years, I have guest authored a story about Disney for the Library of Congress, and I’ve been interviewed regarding Disney by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, NBC News, the Los Angeles Times, the Orlando Sentinel, and the San Francisco Chronicle, to name a few!