Chuck Polin, CEO, brings more than 40 years of sales, sales management, and corporate executive experience to The Training Resource Group. He has managed numerous sales forces, directed various marketing campaigns and was president of a Fortune 500 Company division. Before opening his Sandler Franchise, Chuck began his career in the pharmaceutical field and then moved into the women’s apparel industry in New York City and continued in that field for 20 years. Chuck has mentored hundreds of executives and business owners throughout the years, helping them to reach and exceed their business goals. Chuck Polin is a certified Sandler Trainer who entered his 21st year with the organization and recently co-authored “Nobody Ever Told Me I’d Have to Sell!” with his son, Evan Polin, geared towards non-selling professionals on the importance of how to develop business. He provides consulting, seminar and corporate in-house training that delivers on-going reinforcement training and coaching to growing companies and professional service firms seeking an increase in sales, profits and productivity. He teaches professional sales people a selling system that focuses on identifying “pain”, generating more referrals, targeting accounts, differentiating your company from the competition, and a process of qualifying and disqualifying prospects. http://www.trainingresourcegroup.sandler.com/