Kelly Lytle was born in Denver, Colorado, but grew up in Fremont, Ohio. In 4th grade, he lied to his parents for three months before confessing that he broke their television remote control. Stories have been part of his life ever since. Kelly graduated from Princeton University in 2005 and has worked on Wall Street and in the NFL. He currently lives in Cleveland, Ohio.
His first book, a memoir titled To Dad, From Kelly, is a reflection on Kelly's time with his late father, former University of Michigan All American and Denver Broncos running back Rob Lytle. To Dad From Kelly details the lessons Kelly learned from his father and the questions left unasked and unanswered in their relationship. This look at an unusually close and complicated father-son bond will be entertaining, poignant, and inspiring for readers who love sports and those who don't because--although football provides a backdrop--the book is really about family, zeal, and character.