Donald Nijboer

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Donald Nijboer is a best selling aviation author/historian/documentary writer-producer and Smithsonian Speaker who lives in Toronto, Canada. Donald is the author of The Illustrated History No 126 Wing RCAF D-Day to VE-Day, Spitfire Mk V vs. C.202 Folgore, Gloster Meteor vs. V-1 Flying Bomb, Seafire vs. A6M Zero, P-38 Lightning vs. Ki 61 Tony, No 126 Wing RCAF, Graphic War: The Secret Aviation Drawings and Illustrations of World War II and co-author with photographer Dan Patterson, of Cockpit: An Illustrated History of World War II Aircraft Interiors, Gunner: An Illustrated History of World War II Aircraft Turrets and Gun Positions, Cockpits of the Cold War, and B-29 Combat Missions. Currently he is writing and producing full-length aviation documentaries for the on-line broadcaster He has also written articles for Flight Journal, Aviation History and Aeroplane Monthly.
