Allen R. Hunt


Allen Hunt is The Fourth Quarter Guy. He helps people discover how to become the best-version-of-themselves in the Fourth Quarter of life. Learn more by visiting A four-time #1 Amazon best-selling author, Allen collaborated with Matthew Kelly to write No Regrets: A Fable about Living Your Fourth Quarter Intentionally. In that fable, they share the ground-breaking secrets of the Fourth Quarter: the 5 Keys to Living and Dying with No Regrets. Those 5 keys then led them to create The Fourth Quarter of Your Life: Embracing What Matters Most, a workbook to help people do just that: Discover and plan how to intentionally live their fourth quarters with confidence, boldness, and passion. You can experience his life-changing discoveries and coaching for yourself: in his books, on his YouTube channel, at his website, through one on one personal coaching, and at his speaking events. Allen earned a Ph.D from Yale University. He enjoys hiking, literature, spirituality, history, and good food. He and his wife, Anita, live in Georgia. They have two daughters, SarahAnn and Griffin Elizabeth, two sons-in-law, and seven grandchildren.



