About Laura Day You can find books links on www.lauraday.com or the Barnesandnoble.com and amazon.com U.S. site There are many free resources at youtube@lauradaycircle ,Facebook@lauradaycircle ,Twitter@lauradayintuit and Instagram@lauradayintuit New York Times-bestselling author Laura Day has spent nearly four decades helping individuals, organizations, and companies harness and develop their innate intuitive abilities to create profound change. Newsweek magazine calls her “The $10,000-a-Month Psychic,” adding “When business people need a crystal ball, they turn to consultant Laura Day, the ‘intuitionist.’” The Independent dubbed her “The Psychic of Wall Street.” A-list Hollywood stars and Wall Street executives praise her ability to predict future events – including the 2008 recession – with astounding accuracy. As Brad Pitt has said, “I believe in the gut, and I believe in Laura Day.” Laura’s work has helped demystify intuition and bring it into the mainstream. In her workshops and presentations, she demonstrates the practical, verifiable, and sometimes astonishing uses of intuition in the fields of business, science, medicine, and personal growth. Laura has trained thousands of people and companies to use their brains, perceptions, and “sixth sense” in effective ways to realize their goals. She is the author of six bestselling books: Practical Intuition, Practical Intuition in Love, Practical Intuition in Success, The Circle, Welcome to Your Crisis, and How to Rule the World from Your Couch. Laura has been featured in publications that include Newsweek, New York magazine, The Independent, Bottom Line, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Stella, Forbes, and People. She has appeared on numerous TV networks and programs, including CNN, Fox News, Good Morning America, The View, Extra, and The Oprah Winfrey Show. For more information, please visit: www.lauraday.com