Heather Rathnau NCTM


Heather Hearn Rathnau, NCTM graduated Magna Cum Laude from Baylor University with Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in Vocal Pedagogy and Performance. Heather received numerous scholarships for piano, academics & vocal performance, in addition to a graduate assistantship. She was a member of several academic honor societies and selected for the national music honor society, Pi Kappa Lambda, which recognizes the highest levels of musical achievement and academic scholarship in colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning. The international professional music fraternity Mu Phi Epsilon also presented her its Sterling Achievement Award as the outstanding senior Mu Phi student in the nation. Heather is a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM) in Piano and maintains a successful private studio teaching piano and voice. She is the author and clinician for the popular Theory Time product line, and an adjudicator for the National Piano Teachers Guild Auditions. She is listed in Who's Who in America, 60th Edition and Who's Who of American Women.



