John J. Prendergast (1950 - ) was born and raised in Silicon Valley before there was any silicon. Instead, Santa Clara valley was full of orchards - plum and cherry - and wild mustard in the spring. He attended UC Santa Cruz when it was still small and experimental. There his spiritual search began in earnest. He attended a series of long meditation retreats in his twenties, before beginning his graduate studies in psychology. He met his first teacher, the European Advaita master Jean Klein, in 1983 and studied with him until his death in 1998. He began studying with this second teacher, Adyashanti, in 2001. He was a professor of psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco for twenty-three years where he taught and supervised masters level counseling students. He has had a private psychotherapy practice since 1985. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of Undivided: The Online Journal of Nonduality and Psychology. For more, see: