Dixie Burns is a native Nashvillian. A fifth generation native on both sides, she writes what she knows and makes up the rest. Learn more www.undertheliveoak.com "Spit of a Minute," published almost three years ago, has exceeded all my expectations. I thank all of you who have read the book and bless your heart if you reviewed too! I listen to what you say and learn from every review, good or bad> My second novel titled, "What If It's True?", came about as I was cleaning the kitchen counters. The TV was talking behind my back. The story of football coaches, locker rooms, and young boys was spilling into my thoughts. I thought how could anybody know this was going on and not do something? Which led me to ask myself if I'd ever heard a rumor, suspected anything, or had definite knowledge of something I should have pursued? I had. I heard a rumor. I dismissed it and hopefully, that is all it was. A rumor. Still, I wonder. What If It's True? "Deliberate," my third novel, is the story of a busy woman. Head down and deep into a job, an eleven-year-old son, and a failing marriage, she hasn't got time for jury duty. Who does? However, the county court has other ideas. Serving on an all-female jury, Leigh Blackburn, is forced to deliberate about more than the trial at hand. Old memories surface and Leigh makes a deliberate decision to take a hard look at her life and where it is going. I've certainly been there. Haven't you? And most recently, my fourth book, "Only More So", completes the family saga begun in "Spit of a Minute". What happened to Queenie? Did Abba Gee find the family she was hoping for? And, how about Leigh Blackburn? All of these characters and more find their way in "Only More So" Abba Gee is seventy-years-old now and suffering from dementia. (Only Abba Gee could make this subject funny), Leigh and her son Ben have definitely moved on. Moved on to a shabby little farm tucked inside suburbia. Leigh owns a consignment store along with a partner/BFF who drinks vodka out of a "My Kid can beat up your honor student" mug. (Perhaps it is best she doesn't have any children) Life is good; that is until Leigh's mother (aka Abba Gee) gets herself thrown out of an assisted living facility and moves in with Leigh and Ben. If "Only More So" were a garden, there would be patches of "Steel Magnolia's", a row or two of Faulkner, and a splash of "Terms of Endearment." All three novels are about legacy and redemption. I prefer to think of them as companion books rather than a series. Each novel stands on its own, but I hope you enjoy them enough to read them all! We need to talk. Contact me at www.undertheliveoak.com and leave me a message!