Jim Baker

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Jim Baker and Mary, his wife of 20 years, are the senior pastors of Zion Christian Fellowship in Powell, Ohio. The church is marked by worship, a strong presence of God, healings, miracles, several dead raisings and a passion for personal and regional transformation. You can access his additional resources at BakersEquip.com, which includes free mp3 downloads of the eighteen-part sermon series When Heaven Invades Your Finances.

Here is more about Jim in his own words:

My clan: Mary, the woman of my dreams, is a relentless encourager, balance-bringer, and partner in ministry. I have three amazing boys who love the Lord and have inherited my love for superhero movies. I can still take them in wrestling, but it’s getting close.

Life mission: To transform and equip people to supernaturally demonstrate God’s Kingdom in their sphere of influence.

Things I am gifted at: Remembering the words to 80’s TV theme songs, break dancing, saying the books of the Bible faster than any other human.

Things I’m not gifted at: Anything mechanical, directions, and singing (this is the short list).

My other dream job: Being a Ninja (minus the killing part, I guess that just leaves wearing the black pajama outfit).

Hobbies: Movies,cars (especially Audi, Nissan GTR’s, Corvettes, and American muscle),futile attempts to look like the guy on the Bowflex commercial, reading, time with my kids, evenings with my wife, high-speed go-kart racing, and table tennis (you can’t call it ping-pong if you sweat).

Authors of influence: Bill Johnson, Dallas Willard, Andrew Wommack, Craig Hill, Malcolm Smith, John Ortberg, Gordon Fee, Craig Keener, John Wimber, Dave Ramsey.

Things that make my heart beat fast: Revival, my wife, watching my family grow in their spiritual journey, life in the Kingdom of God, the potential of the emerging generation, divine healing, world missions, seeing a life transformed, seeing an unsaved friend take a step forward on their spiritual journey, serving the P.O.W.S. (Poor, Orphans, Widows, Single Parents), and marketplace ministry.

Places I’ve paid tuition: University of Michigan (B.A. Psychology), Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (M.A. Counseling, M.Div.).
