I’ve gone from tainting the pages of romance novels with tiny droplets of tears, to smearing my kindle screen with the same substance. A belief in fairytales and a craving for a good romance novel is an addiction I’m okay with having. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been interested in getting tangled in a life that wasn’t my own, living through the words of other writers and permitting my mind to bring life to romantic fiction. It’s a great escape, being able to dive into something so incredibly sweet and at times, so heart-wrenching that the world around you blurs at the edges. A few years ago, I really worked up the courage to take my keyboard on one wild rollercoaster ride after the other and my fingers have wanted to keep busy writing romance ever since. Living in Germany, the winters have confined me to local coffee shops with lots of sweet treats and enough coffee to keep me pumped as well as a great deal of bars where the ambiance is always right and the Becks perfectly chilled. As soon as the summer peeks in, however, I’m out the door and settled on a warm patch of grass with my laptop sitting comfortably on my lap. If you'd like to hear about my upcoming books and events or simply want to connect with me, you can do so by stopping by my facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Amelia-Gates/616154018530296?fref=ts or by visiting my website and signing up to my newsletter at www.ameliagates.com.