Duncan James

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I love learning and exploring. I gained a PhD in science in 1999 and then went on to work as a scientist before finding that I preferred teaching. I have taught maths as a private tutor, taught dancing in the evenings and worked as a nature guide. After a few years of teaching I have moved on to writing.

My maths book is purposefully brief: I focus on areas where I think modern maths teaching is confusing and offer simple and effective approaches.

My dance book looks at the whole process of learning partner dance and offers a unique, fun and fast way to learn to dance. It is designed to work whether you are dancing in a small living room or on a large dance floor.

By reading one of my Nature Travel Guides you can add nature highlights to a vacation or follow a dedicated nature-watching itinerary. (Note I've got some terrible reviews for my nature books which seem almost always be because people mistake them for identification guides or do not realise the paperbacks are in black and white.)

Having written about each of the subjects I used to teach/guide, I am now writing fiction...

As I write this biography, I have almost a dozen stories in various stages of development. I find this easier than spending all my time on one book. Also, this is helping me to develop as a fiction writer and find my own, unique voice. My first book might be ready for summer 2021 and over time I expect to be publishing one book every 3 months or so.
