Carole West


Carole West has always had a passion for writing and in 2014 she published a blog, Garden Up Green. From there she also pursued freelance writing for national magazines like Hobby Farms, Grit, New Pioneer and Countryside. Carole has also published two popular books, Ground Raised Quail and Quail Getting Started. As a spokesperson for Texas Home and Garden she led DIY workshops and shared how to raise quail for the purpose of eggs and meat. Gardening began in her grandmother’s backyard, then later in life she and her husband moved their family onto land. This is where she rediscovered the love for growing. They raised a lot of farm animals in addition to quail. In 2020 she retired her blog to work on other projects. From being a wife, a homeschool mom, homesteading and establishing a writing career, she has learned to wear many hats and found these self-taught skills hold value. This has brought forward a new writing space focused on seeing the good. She writes in 4 categories that help recharge and encourage others to implement the good.


