Dr. Ida Rolf Institute


The Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® (DIRI) was established in 1971 by Dr. Ida P. Rolf and still stands as the premiere school for Rolfing® Structural Integration and Rolf Movement® Integration - our proprietary methods for optimizing human structure and function. Dr. Rolf's genius was to consider these two factors in combination - how gravity affects a body's structure and alignment, and the holistic role of fascia (the body's connective tissues) in maintaining the shape and flexibility of the human form. With these concepts, she developed a process for optimizing body posture and structure by aligning and re-organizing the fascia. The vision of The Rolf Institute is to bring the benefits of Rolfing® Structural Integration to the world. This is accomplished through internationally-recognized certification programs in Rolfing Structural Integration and Rolf Movement® Integration, as well as continuing education programs for practitioners. The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration is the only school that teaches Rolfing Structural Integration and graduates Certified Rolfers™ worldwide. The Rolf Institute also underwrites and promotes research and public education about the benefits of Rolfing SI, including the publication of its scholarly periodical, Structure, Function, Integration: Journal of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute®. For more information about DIRI and Rolfing Structural Integration, please visit www.rolf.org.



