Chase Morgan is your average guy with a mind that tends to drift while out to dinner with friends or during meetings. His wayward thoughts vacillate between naughty adventures in public to pondering what Sasquatch does in the woods. Mr. Morgan's friends are far from boring; he's just really good at multi-tasking. He began writing erotica for his wife while away on business trips. As his muse and biggest supporter, she encouraged him to take a stab at sharing his unruly mind with the world. She doesn't wonder about Sasquatch's masturbatory habits, but she humors him when his mind takes off in the woods or any number of other directions. Currently Chase focuses on short stories for anthologies and has also contributed stories to Rose Caraway's Kiss Me Quick Podcast. If you really want to know what Sasquatch is up to in the woods you might want to check out his story "I Feel Like Someone's Sasquatching Me," made even better by Rose Caraway's lovely voice.