Jake Hatmacher

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For most of my career I have been an obstetrician and gynecologist (a doctor who delivers babies and treats medical conditions unique to women). I started to write in 2013. So far the stories I've written depict women dealing with critical health issues, both physical and psychological, and their decisions regarding them. Their decisions regarding those issues are controversial, and the consequences of those decisions unforeseen. Although the stories are fictional, they do portray real potential consequences of difficult health decisions that are often made. These are stories, and of course, outcomes are not always as I have depicted. And again, as the stories are fictional, I have used my prerogative to throw in just a bit of fantasy. I'll let you be the judge if it is too much fantasy!

I came to writing during a period of inactivity in my medical career. The period of inactivity allowed me to finally write down ideas I've had for many years and develop them into stories.

Even though I harbored the ideas for years, I never thought I would put them to print. You see, I never really considered myself a writer. When I finally got the time and the gumption to proceed, with the help of some key editors, I was very surprised when the first five reviews gave me four and five-star ratings. This obviously was encouraging to me as it would be to anyone. This led me to my next book, A Secret Lies Deep, which I published in April of 2017.

I currently have thoughts for other books and one of those may be a children's book having to do with overcoming a disability.

I hope you enjoy my books. My apologies to those who desire pure entertainment. To those hoping for something more, to possibly learn something you did not know before, or to share in the main characters psychological turmoils, and still be entertained, I think I write for you. , FB: JAKe Hatmacher; webpage: jakehatmacher.wordpress.com
