Kevin Patrick Sullivan’s books include, First Sight, The Space Between Things, and Under Such Brilliance. His poems appear in such journals as ASKEW, SOLO, CAFÉ SOLO, Hummingbird,
Miramar and several anthologies including most recently THE SECOND GENESIS, An Anthology of Contemporary World Poetry, published in India and on the web at OTHER VOICES INTERNATIONAL and YOU-TUBE. He was also guest editor at Solo Café, Vol. 1 & 2 and was the editor with his wife, Patti Sullivan of the anthology, Corners of the Mouth A Celebration of Thirty Years at the Annual San Luis Obispo Poetry Festival.
He was declared a “cultural asset” by the City Council of San Luis Obispo in 2001. He is a past Poet Laureate of San Luis Obispo and is the Co-Founder / Curator of the Annual San Luis Obispo Poetry Festival and the monthly reading series Corners of the Mouth. He founded
Poetry at the Steynberg in 2011 and is Co-Organizer of the local 100 Thousand Poets/Musicians for Change event in SLO