I write because it plays to my love of learning, the joy of creation, and my interest in the written word.
I'm a Canadian writer and I live in Kanata, Ontario. I'm an engineer by training. I'm married and have three adult children and six grandchildren. Our family has been, and continues to be, the focus of our lives. Following a career in technology, operations and management, I founded an Executive Coaching Practice.
I started writing in 2011 and have self published several books. The fun in all this has been the learning. There is so much to learn in so many areas. The challenges are enormous, for example, the editing, rewriting, research, not to mention, outlining, structure,point of view, and...on and on. I think I've learned and improved book-by-book. I try to write every day.
Some technology tools help me with my writing. I use Dragon Dictate to 'speak' my book into Scrivener. I use Dragon's 'read' function to hear my story read back to me.That helps me to get get the words right.