Janet Sumner Johnson lives in Utah with her husband and three kids. She grew up playing all the sports, but soccer was her favorite (which is surprising considering she was trampled by the bunch-ball crowd in her very first game). At the ripe old age of 3, she fell out of a two-story window after throwing a temper tantrum. Amazingly, she came out of the ordeal no worse for the wear . . . unless you count being sent back to her room. Janet loves playing the piano, and she loves speaking in public, but she cannot play the piano in public to save her life. Yet, she keeps on trying, which is probably her greatest strength and how she's managed to stick with the writing gig.
Books have always been an important part of her life. She was reading by the time she was four, and is most often seen either reading or writing a book. A few of the books that were devoured in her childhood include the Chronicles of Narnia (ALL of them!), Anne of Green Gables and every other book published by L.M. Montgomery, Beauty (and anything else by Robin McKinley), Sweet Valley Twins, and Sweet Valley High (you should have seen her impressive collection!). Under her brother's influence, she read quite a few John Bellairs books, too.