Darlene King


Book Description/About the Author: In this autobiography, Evangelist Darlene King relives her life giving an intimate perspective of her mistakes and life lessons as she lays everything on the line. Travel on a journey in her shoes as she recalls her struggles of being infected with HIV by her husband--a church pastor--and still constantly having to fight for her marriage through her husband’s on-going adultery. She learns the hard way that if HIV doesn’t stop him from cheating, nothing will. “What I don’t think many people realize is I am the Her in the title. Unfortunately after infecting me, many women continued to be infected by his actions. I may never know who they are, I just know her husband has infected many. My prayer has always been that this book finds them. They are tested, receive the treatment necessary, and LIVE. The book is a testimony of the Awesome Greatness of God and the Power of Forgiveness. It truly is an uplifting story of what God can do in the midst of what you may think is the worst thing that could happen.” She volunteers with Action Aids of Philadelphia, on the Speaker Bureau program, and various volunteer assignments as needed. Darlene serves on the Board of Directors of Siloam Wellness, and HIV/AIDS Agency serving the community. She has committed her life to serving others living with HIV and A.I.D.S, and being a voice for those who may not have a voice. An advocate for those that have been shunned. A friend for those who may be lonely. A confidant for a down bent shoulder. A voice for those scared into silence. And a hand to lift those up, that have been shut out. Whose only goal, is to pray that I can be obedient to Christ as he reminds us “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13:35 “I am just thankful for every second, of every moment of every day that I can Serve Jesus Christ. After years of living wrong, I am just thankful to have been pulled out of darkness into his marvelous light. I have promised God that, “here I am Lord, send ME”. I want to be in God’s service, in any capacity. Where ever he sends me, I want to go. “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. Psalm 84:10” And in the end honor his word in Hebrews 13:16 “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” May the good news of Jesus Christ continually go forth from the fruit of my lips, and May you Dear Lord be please with my sacrifice.”

