Maria Morera Johnson


Maria Morera Johnson is the author of Super Girls and Halos and My Badass Book of Saints, which won first place in the inspirational category at the 2016 Association of Catholic Publisher’s awards. She also contributed to The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion and Word by Word: Slowing Down with the Hail Mary. A blogger, Johnson retired in 2016 from her positions as a composition and literature professor and the director of English learning support at Georgia Piedmont Technical College. Johnson has spoken at a number of events, retreats, and conferences, including the National Council of Catholic Women, Austin Women’s Conference, and the Catholic Press Association. She also has been featured on CatholicTV and Busted Halo, and in Catholic Digest and St. Anthony Messenger. Johnson is a native of Cuba. She and her husband, John, have three grown children and live in the Mobile, Alabama, area.



