Lexi Whitlow is a former English teacher who fell in love with language a long time ago. She spent her youth curled up on her parents' couch reading her mother's Harlequin romances and wishing she could be the innocent maiden captured by the alpha male pirate who never learned how to love. She hid purple and pink paperbacks under her bed, behind the armchair, and in the magazine rack in the bathroom, dreaming of seeing her name in print one day.
That day has come, and Lexi is delighted! She married a scientist, who is an alpha male pirate at heart. They've got two kids and a puggle-dog who run all over the place and destroy the house on a daily basis. Life is crazy, but it's the best life Lexi could imagine.
She spends her days snuggling babies, thinking about stories, writing her butt off, reading anything she can get her hands on, and thinking about pirates.
You can find her mailing list right here: http://eepurl.com/cY7tBP.