Dr.Ilango Sivaraman was born in Chennai,India in the year 1950.The given name is Ilango and others are acquired- His father's name was Sivaraman.
His very first book was a print book- published by PHI - Introduction to Hydraulics and Pneumatics - Then followed an E book on kindle platform - again a technical book - Pneumatics and Pneumatic circuits. He teaches Mechanical Engineering in an Engineering college in Muscat, Oman.
His next attempt in self publishing book is ' Mahabarath- Retold and Illustrated'. This was written to let others enjoy an Indian classic- it has 30 illustrations,and about 125 pages- The sales are just a trickle- Hoping for better days.
His next book - ' Meditation- experiencing,practicing and Enjoying meditation-is about his own experiences in practicing meditation.Meditation is really a positive self transformation tool - that he himself found out.