Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram profile image


FullyRaw is the creation of Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, a pioneer in the local, organic food co-operative movement. The founder of the largest raw, organic produce co-operative in the U.S., she has been 100% raw for over ten years. An exemplification of all that she wishes to create, she is a leading visionary in the raw movement, especially in Houston, TX.

She attended both Vanderbilt University and Rice University, and she graduated from Rice University on the top 5% of her class in 2009 with a triple major in Kinesiology specializing in Health Science, Raw Foods, and Fasting. Since then, she has been involved highly in the movement of Organic Horticulture, Permaculture, and Co-operative Communities.

Kristina’s inspiration for being FullyRaw came after she was able to rid herself of Hyperglycemia at the age of 18 eating nothing but a low fat raw vegan diet consisting solely of fresh fruits and vegetables with few nuts and seeds. After being a direct understudy of 20+ year raw fooder John Rose, she interned and worked under Dr. Graham at his health events in Seattle and in Costa Rica. She has lived in the Dominican Republic and in Costa Rica, and she has become an avidly enthusiastic runner who runs at least 6-8 miles a day!

At the age of 20 before she graduated college, she started the non-profit organization called Rawfully Organic. This organic produce co-operative in Houston, Texas grew from 12 people in her living room to thousands of families in the greater Houston city limits. Rawfully Organic feeds hundreds of families each week and focuses on the benefits of eating diets high in raw fruits and vegetables while making organic affordable for all. The co-operative stays true to its mission to support families in the Texas community to supply an abundance of organic produce to help them achieve their raw, vegetarian, or vegan lifestyle.

​Besides being the chief goddess co-operator of Rawfully Organic, Kristina has made a living coaching and inspiring thousands of others to be FullyRaw for the past few years. She is the author of The FullyRaw Diet and also the creator of her latest company called FullyRaw Juice, LLC. She also enjoys frequently speaking and lecturing to the Texas community. She even offers raw classes where she prepares food for her audiences! Kristina’s mission is to simply REACH PEOPLE with the message of RAW. She wants to inspire people to find their rawness within so that they can find their own health freedom and zest! You CAN be FullyRaw, and Kristina wants to help you get there!​​​​
