Publisher, Creative Director, Assistant Editor at Nosetouch Press
Hearty of laugh and quick of wit, Christine has been a professional graphic designer/website developer & brand consultant for over 27 years. She is an ardent book designer, intent on creating works that support the vision of the author, create a pleasing yet unobtrusive experience for the reader, and both refer to and expand upon the methods of the art of bookmaking.
Christine is a freelance graphic and web designer, brand consultant, and video marketing creator, operating under the name Clever Crow Consulting and Design. She is also the webmaster of, Ireland’s premier magazine of science fiction, horror, and fantasy.
Also a visual artist, Christine uses mixed media to craft a world-within-a-world that communicates a playfully unnerving take on the contradictions, absurdity, and strangeness of postmodern American life, with a focus on reuse of the discarded and philosophical interpretations of the unseen.
A reader of all genre fiction (fantasy and gothic fiction is her favorite), she also has a particular fondness for ghosts and witches—send any good ghost stories (real or fictional) her way. Raised on Nancy Drew, the Dana Girls, and Beverly Gray, she savors a well-crafted mystery.
Her interests include art and philosophy of art, decorative arts, architecture, costume design, paranormal studies, history, and jewelry making. She loves clever turns of phrases, puns, libraries, lipstick, and filet mignon—cooked rare. She takes her coffee Blonde.
Christine was recently selected as a contributor to the “Game of Thrones: The Compendium.”