Pat Bussard O'Keefe


Pat O’Keefe, M.S., is a Certified Consulting Hypnotist (National Guild of Hypnotists), Psychic & Medium, Reiki Master, Photographer, and Author. She is featured in the new documentary, Season of the Witch, which focuses on modern witchcraft in the Appalachian mountains. She considers the gifts of mediumship and psychic insight as tools in her personal sacred journey and appreciates the opportunity to serve others through these spiritual gifts. Her philosophy for life was delivered to her by her spirit guide years ago, “Always give more than you take.” She has traveled the country conducting seances, gallery readings, classes, and workshops on a plethora of spiritual and paranormal topics. Pat has authored or co-authored seven books and one audio book on topics of supernatural interest, including, The Ghosts of St. Albans Sanatorium and Graveyard Voice: Poems and Photographs from the Edge of Darkness. She also wrote and photographed for a graphic novel titled, Tales from the Five Kingdoms: War Drums. Pat has also written numerous featured articles and columns on non-fiction paranormal topics for both national and international magazines, such as “Phenomena,” “Ghost Voices”, “Haunted Magazine,” “Haunted Times,” “The Literary Hatchet,” and many more. In addition, her photography has been on the cover or between the pages of these same magazines and on exhibit, most recently at the 606 Street Gallery, Bristol, TN. She will begin filming a documentary, There’s Magick in Those Mountains, about the mystics of the mountains – Appalachian Granny Women, this summer. Filming begins in June This is a topic that is particularly close to her heart as she is a direct descendant of these amazingly gifted healers and seers. Pat’s primary interest in hypnosis is in the area of past life regressions/recovered memories. The belief in reincarnation is one that is shared by many people around the world. She has seen, up close, the healing that can take place through past life memory recovery. In her hypnosis and psychic and mediumship work, she often uses Reiki healing for her clients. Her philosophy is that energy is lifeforce. Being an energy worker has allowed her to work with and help clients heal from issues impacting their physical, as well as, spiritual worlds. Pat has presented on the paranormal convention circuit for many years, having spoken at a number of events including ScareFest, Paranormal Restore, and Enigmacons, among many others. She earned a Master of Science degree from Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, and has done additional graduate and post graduate studies in higher education and communication through Virginia Tech, Radford University, and George Mason University. In her professional capacity, she has worked several decades as a journalist, journalism teacher, and as a marketing and public relations practitioner.



