TPB Publishing

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Our comprehensive products are designed with the test taker in mind. Whether you're getting a study guide, practice test book, or pocket guide, we have you covered.

Study Guides

We create each study guide to give you the four tools you need to succeed on test day:

Tool #1 | Test-Taking Strategies: Learn the best tips to overcome your exam!

Tool #2 | Comprehensive Review: Our review goes into detail to cover your exam.

Tool #3 | Practice Test Questions: Practice makes perfect!

Tool #4 | Detailed Answer Explanations: Figure out where you went wrong and how to improve!

Test-Taking Strategies

Understanding the latest test-taking strategies is essential to preparing you for what you will expect on the exam. A test taker has to not only understand the material that is being covered on the test, but also must be familiar with the strategies that are necessary to properly utilize the time provided and get through the test without making any avoidable errors. Test Prep Books has drilled down the top test-taking tips for you to know.

Comprehensive Review

Each section of the test has a comprehensive review that goes into detail to cover the content likely to appear on the test. Our product is your guide to learning what you need to know for your exam. Use our study guides to avoid surprises on test day!

Practice Test Questions

We make our practice questions as similar as possible to what you will encounter on test day. This helps you to prepare for both the content and format of the questions you will see on the exam. Use the questions to quiz yourself to see how much you know!

Detailed Answer Explanations

Our practice test questions are each followed by detailed answer explanations. If you miss a question, it’s important that you are able to understand the nature of your mistake and how to avoid making it again in the future. The answer explanations will help you to learn from your mistakes and overcome them.

Practice Test Books

These products focus on giving you lots of practice for your exam. Rather, that including study content, they focus on giving you three practice tests to test out your skills. As always, the practice questions are accompanied by detailed answer explanations.

Pocket Guides

These books are small enough to take anywhere but big enough to help you prepare for test day. They include study content, practice questions, and answer explanations
