Taco Fleur


StrongFirst Certified Kettlebell Instructor (SFG2) Russian Girevoy Sport Institute Kettlebell Coach International Kettlebell Sport and Fitness Academy Certified Kettlebell Coach International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation Certified Kettlebell Teacher Kettlebell Sport Rank 1 HardstyleFit Kettlebell Level 1 Instructor CrossFit Level 1 Trainer CrossFit Judges Certificate CrossFit Lesson Planning Certificate Kettlebells Level 2 Trainer Kettlebell Science and Application MMA Fitness Level 2 MMA Conditioning Level 1 BJJ Purple Belt and more... Some of my personal bests are: 30 consecutive days of Kettlebell Strength training 36kg Hardstyle Snatch 2 × 28kg/62lb (total 56kg/124lb) half snatch 1 hour unbroken clean and jerk with a 16kg/35lb 45 minutes unbroken clean and jerk with a 20kg/44lb 400 burpees performed within one hour 500 kettlebell snatches, 500 swings, and 500 double-unders completed in one session 250 alternating dead clean and presses in one session with 20kg/44lb 200 pull-ups in one session 200 unbroken kettlebell swings with a 28kg/62lb Most kettlebell swings completed in one session with a 28kg/62lb (1,501) Most total kettlebell swings completed in 28 days with a 28kg/62lb (11,111) Windmill with a 40kg/88lb kettlebell Chest press with two 40kg/88lb dumbbells (total 80kg) Lugged a 16kg/35lb kettlebell up a 3,479m mountain 160kg deadlift 50 CrossFit Burpees and 100 single-arm swings unbroken in 5:34 100 snatches on sand with a 24kg/53lb kettlebell 85kg Olympic Squat Snatch 300 unbroken clean and jerk with 20kg/44lb kettlebell 10-minute unbroken clean and jerk 80 reps with 2 × 16kg/35lb kettlebells 532 unbroken snatches and achieved rank 2 in kettlebell sport 100 TGUs @ 20kg/44lb in one session



