Ron Melchiore

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Ron Melchiore is an Outdoorsman/Pioneer, Homesteader, Remote Exploration Camp Manager and Author. Living off grid since 1980, Ron and his wife Johanna have spent the better part of their lives "unplugged." As part of the back to the land movement that originated in the 70's, they have spent their adult years living the homestead dream.

Ron spent 20 years in Maine mastering the many facets of homesteading: gardening, food preservation, animal husbandry, and construction, to name a few. The need for money became obvious in those early years, so as a small-business endeavor, he added logging, tree farming and milling lumber to his repertoire, which ultimately earned him and his wife awards as Outstanding Tree Farmers.

Because Ron possesses an adventurous spirit, he decided to pursue a long-time dream of his, to thru hike all 2,100+ miles of the Appalachian Trail — so, he spent 5 1/2 months walking. A cross-country bicycle trip years later satisfied his need for mobile adventure. He has survived forest fires and bear encounters.

Ron and his wife currently live 100 miles in the Canadian wilderness on a remote lake. Access is by float plane and they generally only see other humans twice a year when they come out for resupply. A computer/satellite link serves as their connection to the outside world.

More information can be found at:

Great youtube video with awesome music. The movie is broken up into 4 parts. I'll take you homesteading with me in Maine, then we'll winter thru-hike the 2,100+ mile Appalachian Trail, bicycle over 4,100 miles across the United States and finally, like the pioneers of old, we'll create a homestead 100 miles in the Canadian wilderness. Please consider a thumbs up if you like the video. Thanks!
