Kate Hart is the author of AFTER THE FALL, a young adult novel published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux in January 2017. She's also a contributor to the 2018 anthologies TOIL AND TROUBLE (Harlequin Teen) and HOPE NATION (Philomel), and 2020's OUT NOW (Inkyard) and BODY TALK (Algonquin). After earning degrees in Spanish and history at Hendrix College, Kate taught young people their ABCs and wrote grants for grownups with disabilities. Later, she helped run YA Highway, a three-time pick for Writer's Digest's "101 Best Websites for Writers." She now owns Natural State Treehouses with her spouse, and sells woodworking and fiber arts at TheBadasserie.net. Born in Oklahoma and raised in Fayetteville, she is a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation with Choctaw heritage and lives with her family in Northwest Arkansas.